2024 Collard Greens Cultural Festival Cook-Off
Each person entering the cook-off will be required to leave their dish for samples to the Taste of Collard Greens booth by 1:00PM, Saturday, September 28, 2024. No pork please.
Complete your Judge registration using the form below button below
There will be a judging rubric given to each person choosing to be a part of the "People's Judging". They will also be provided during the event where a sample of each of the cook-off entries will be given out on-site: Lake Sheryl, 4540 Lee Rd SW, Snellville, GA 30039 (The Promised Land). Entries need to be dropped off at 1p.m. Those who are picking up collard green dinners and ice cream will be eligible to vote on the sample entries.
Judging will take place on-site. Winners will be announced by 7:00PM Saturday, September 28th, 2024.
For questions, please call our hotline number and leave a message: (800) 253-3397